Contact Us

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Sterling silver handmade jewelry by Sarah King. 



Thank-you for supporting my studio. I make everything by hand, so please allow for a week or two to complete your order. If you need the order sooner, please contact me direct at, and I will do my best to accommodate you. Since everything is made by hand, items will vary slightly from the item shown in the picture.

SHIPPING I do free shipping on all orders within the United States. If you would like to receive an order internationally, I would be happy to get you a quote on shipping. 

RETURNS AND EXCHANGES All custom orders are final sales. If you are unhappy with a stock piece of jewelry please contact me within a week for an exchange. For exchanges to be accepted, all jewelry must be returned in original packaging and in an unworn condition. The buyer is responsible for return shipping. No refunds on jewelry, but if you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact me, and I welcome the opportunity to make it right for you.

CUSTOM I do a lot of custom work, whether it is a slight change to my existing design to make it your own, or a whole new piece, please send me an email, I would love to help you.